4 Key Landing Page Metrics You Should Be Tracking

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What are the most important landing page metrics for your business? If you’re not sure, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll break down the top four metrics you should be tracking to ensure your campaigns are successful.

What’s the purpose of a landing page?

First, let’s define what a landing page is. A landing page is a standalone page that’s designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. It should be distinct from your website’s other pages, with a clear and concise message that speaks to your target audience. Now that we know what a landing page is, let’s dive into the metrics you should be tracking.

1. Conversion rate

landing page performance metrics

The most important metric for any landing page is its conversion rate. This is the percentage of visitors who take the desired action on your page, whether that’s submitting a form, making a purchase, or signing up for a newsletter. If your conversion rate is low, it could be an indication that your landing page isn’t effective. Either your message isn’t resonating with visitors or the page itself is confusing.

There are a number of ways to improve your conversion rate, from split testing your page to refining your call-to-action. First, take a close look at your page’s design. Is it visually appealing? Is the call-to-action (CTA) clear and visible? Second, review your copy. Is it free of errors? Is it persuasive? Lastly, make sure your page is performing well from a technical standpoint. Is it loading quickly? Are there any broken links?

Split-test landing pages to improve conversion rate

With split testing, you can increase conversion rate by testing different versions of a landing page against each other. A/B split testing is an essential practice for any digital marketer looking to improve their conversion rate. This could include testing different images, headlines, videos, and calls-to-action.

Your landing page copy can have a big impact on conversion rate. Different copy can change the entire tone of your page, so it’s important to get it right. Test different headlines, calls-to-action, and body copy to see what converts best. By testing different elements, you can identify which ones are most effective in converting visitors into customers or leads.

However, split testing is not just about testing different versions of a landing page. You can also use split testing to test different offer types, email subject lines, ad copy, and more. The possibilities are endless.

2. Bounce rate

landing page metrics
Google doesn’t like a bouncy ride.

Another important metric to track is your landing page’s bounce rate. This is the percentage of visitors who leave your page without taking any action. A high bounce rate could be an indication that your page isn’t relevant to your target audience. It could also mean that your page isn’t user-friendly or that there’s a problem with your page.

How to improve bounce rate

There are a number of ways to improve your landing page’s bounce rate. First, make sure your page is relevant to your target audience. If your page is about dogs and your target audience is cat lovers, you’re not going to convert many visitors into leads or customers. 

Second, take a close look at your page’s design. Is it outdated? Is it hard to navigate? Third, review your page’s content. Is it well-written? Is it relevant to your target audience? Lastly, make sure your page is loading quickly. If it’s taking too long to load, visitors are likely to leave before they even see your page. 

3. Time on page

landing page metrics to track

The amount of time someone spends on your landing page is also a valuable metric. If people are spending a lot of time on your page, it could be an indication that they’re interested in your offer. On the other hand, if they’re leaving your page quickly, it could be an indication that they’re not finding what they’re looking for.

How to increase time on page

As with bounce rate, a low time on page can be an indication of a page that isn’t relevant to your target audience or traffic source. Double check that the traffic coming to your page finds relevant content matched to the channel/source that brought them there. 

After that do a quick audit of your page – are you making use of engaging images? Photos and graphics can go a long way to keep visitors engaged, and a conversion-optimized design should lead your visitors eyes from one section to the next using visual elements and engaging copy.

4. Sources of traffic

metrics for landing page success

Finally, it’s also important to track where your landing page traffic is coming from. This can help you determine which marketing channels are delivering the most leads or customers. For example, if you’re seeing a lot of traffic from Twitter but a low conversion rate, you might need to adjust your Twitter strategy.

How to audit marketing traffic sources

A good way to audit your marketing traffic sources is to use Google Analytics. This ubiquitous and free tool shows you how many people are coming to your site from each traffic source (e.g. social, paid search, referral etc.) as well as how many of those people are taking action on your site. 

To set up Analytics, you’ll need to create a Google Analytics account and insert a piece of code onto your site. This is pretty easy to achieve using Google Tag Manager or directly editing your sides code to insert the snippet. Once you’ve done that, you can start use the Google Analytics interface to better understand where your traffic is coming from and how they behave.


Landing pages are an essential part of any marketing campaign and particularly so for paid search campaigns. By tracking the right metrics, you can ensure that your landing pages are effective and achieve your desired results. Tracking these four landing page metrics will give you a good idea of how effective your page is and help you to understand where to fine-tune your campaigns to ensure they’re as successful as possible.